Thursday, September 21, 2006

Autumn May or May Not Be in the Air

My sister Karen and I had this great conversation out on the balcony last evening, as we enjoyed the briskness of the night air and the hum of the helicopters flying over the city. (Apparently they're getting hard on crime again.) Karen is of the opinion that this chilly spell is just a tiny little bump in the unending summer that we will be experiencing this year. She feels that the warmth could and just might last forever. I on the other hand believe that summer is now officially over, and in fact we have moved right into "pre-winter".

I guess it's all in how you look at it. Wonder what that says about me, assuming summer is completely gone, and why I want it ended? Or her, and why she wants it to continue forever? Probably it has something to do with the fact that she is young and has her whole future ahead of her, and I'm old and washed up and my idea of fun centers on scrubbing the woodwork with a toothbrush.

Either that, or she likes summer a lot and I like autumn a lot.

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